★太魯閣族 Truku Karaw(卡羅唯) 花蓮三燕子口/巨人傳說 Hualien Swallow Grotto/Legend of Giant Iyang(洢漾) 召喚占卜鳥/靈鳥Sisil Summoning bird divination/ Bird Sisil 彩虹為神靈橋/口簧琴 LoBag "Rainbow" the spirit bridge/ Jew's harp "LoBang" ★文化 太魯閣族(德魯固; Truku、Taroko) 原居住於南投縣仁愛鄉靜觀部落, 十七世紀跨越中央山脈遷移至現在的花蓮縣北部一帶, 目前人口約二萬餘人。 日治時期日本文化人類學者依據語言、風俗、文化特徵, 而將其歸類於泰雅族的賽德克亞族之一群 (另兩群為Toda、Tgdaya)。 正名太魯閣族的過程,由於族群內部以「德路固」(Truku) 群為主的族人傾向於以「太魯閣族」作為族群名稱。 而以「德固達雅」(Tgdaya)及「都達」(Toda)群 為主的族人傾向以「賽德克族」作為族群名稱。因而展開了族群內部間的衝突與對話。 Originally residing in Jingguan Tribe, Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, In the 17th century, it moved across the Central Mountains to the northern part of Hualien County. The current population is about 20,000 people. Japanese cultural anthropologists based on language, customs, and cultural characteristics during the Japanese rule. Sedekia (The other two groups are Toda and Tgdaya). The process of naming the Taroko was due to the fact that it was called "Truku" Group-based ethnic groups