
WLK(Wun Li Ke)
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WLK(Wun Li Ke)

2023-05-12 17:48:21

WLK(Wun Li Ke) is a plug-in moxibustion stick, and it can keep the temperature at 55-60°C. The heat from the device will stimulate the acupuncture points to increase the stability of blood flow. The device obtained a patent and is registered as first-level medical equipment with the MHW(Ministry of Health and Welfare) so customers can operate it safely. Descriptions about medical equipment are complicated, so our designer needed to organize the massive information and list the points for the reader to understand. All the points were visualized in an encyclopedic way to display the information clearly. The same layout was also applied on the backboard for the client to display at medical equipment exhibitions or other conferences. 溫立可是一款插電型的溫炙棒,能在維持溫度55-60°C的狀態下用其按壓穴道,刺激通過穴位的循環,並引起更平穩的血液流動。此裝置已取得專利以及通過第一級醫療器材認證,讓消費者可以安心使用。 醫療器材的說明資料繁雜,設計師需從中釐清需說明的要項,把重點資訊以百科全書般的方式呈現,讓消費者能夠清楚的了解此儀器的運作原理和使用方式。同時設計師也將重點資訊做成背板,方便客戶後續的參展、說明會等不同需求。

  廣告設計 型錄設計