設計文章 │ 攝影 攝影/藝術 黑秀人物

如真似幻:瑞士影像藝術家Dominique Teufen 的奇遇風景【黑秀談藝】

作者/ 徐思穎 圖/ Dominque Teufen

宋朝柳永〈迎新春.嶰管變青律〉曾寫到:「更闌燭影花陰下,少年人、往往奇遇。」生命中的美好經驗,一半來自外在世界的夸姣,一半來自人內在情感的浪漫。在瑞士影像藝術家Dominique Teufen亦幻亦真的風景裡,攝影是種如夢的想像體驗,亦是她對攝影「真實」的思考與辯證。


Rays of Light, Reflections from the city of Zürich on a silver card board. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Ice Light 2021 120x180cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
Rays of Light, Reflections from the city of Zürich on a silver card board. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Ice Light 2021 120x180cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich


I really enjoy it because it is kind of like you getting away from all these hard things and then flying away to a beautiful landscape. It’s like a daydream, like flying away and somewhere else you enjoy so much to be there.

Dominique Teufen


©Dominique Teufen
©Dominique Teufen


大學畢業於阿姆斯特丹 Gerrit Rietveld 學院、荷蘭 Hertogenbosch St. Joost 藝術與設計學院碩士。作品見於Christophe Guye Gallery Zurich CH, IG Halle Kunst (Zeug) Haus Rapperswil CH, Kunsthalle Wil / St. Gallen CH, the Central Museum in Utrecht NL, the phtography Biennale in Bogota and the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden NL, NRW Forum Düsseldorf, the Museum für Fotografie Berlin and the Kunsthalle Darmstadt,並參與2018/2019 年「包浩斯與攝影」的「包浩斯100年」週年紀念計劃。曾獲Vfg. young Talent Award for Photography 2013, the Lensculture Emerging Talent Award 2018 and the HSBC Photography Award 2019等獎項。



一本書、一段話、一個人:Dominique Teufen

記得是在臺北忠孝東路的moon bookshop書店,一本灰藍色的攝影書吸引了我的目光:《我在影印機上的世界之旅》(MY TRAVELS THROUGH THE WORLD ON MY COPY MACHINE)呈現出一個充滿詩意的黑白世界,高聳的山峰、無邊的沙漠、醉人的極光。這些影像,都是瑞士影像藝術家Dominique Teufen在工作室的影印機上「自製」出來的想象風景。


Dominque Teufen 的《我在影印機上的世界之旅》 圖/ https://moom.cat
Dominique Teufen 的《我在影印機上的世界之旅》 圖/ https://moom.cat
MY TRAVELS THROUGH THE WORLD ON MY COPY MACHINE Various copied materials such as paper, aluminium foil, cotton wool etc. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Sunrise 2018 60x90cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
MY TRAVELS THROUGH THE WORLD ON MY COPY MACHINE Various copied materials such as paper, aluminium foil, cotton wool etc. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Sunrise 2018 60x90cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich


出於好奇與喜歡,我嘗試寫信給這位藝術家,意外開啟了一段奇妙的對話。在6月上旬的某日午後,我們在線上碰了面。對Ms. Dominique的第一印象是她燦爛的笑容,她說:「我很開心自己的作品會在臺灣與讀者見面」。鏡頭裡,她的眼神清澈,自信從容,她身後,是作品Rays of Light 和今年即將發表的And Then There Was Light。


Dominque Teufen 線上訪談  圖/徐思穎
Dominique Teufen 線上訪談 圖/徐思穎
工作室 ©Dominique Teufen
工作室 ©Dominique Teufen


她表示自己創作的靈感來自對事物的思考,就像Rays of Light,開始並沒有想將風景作為創作主題,一切都是自然而然的發生。


I take a silver cardboard and go out. The city itself reflects on it such as cars, colors or concrete which everything in the city and it transforms itself into this landscape.


Rays of Light 拍攝過程 ©Dominique Teufen
Rays of Light 拍攝過程 ©Dominique Teufen


很多人會把Rays of light 這組作品與繪畫連結在一起,事實不然,由於卡紙本身的特殊性,紙面有細微的凸面,拍攝出來的風景很像繪畫作品。這組作品的創作過程並不容易,拍攝中總有些不儘人意的事,例如風改變了卡紙的位置、錯失最佳的拍攝光線等,為了抓到最好的瞬間,她需要在拿穩相機的情況下不斷調整自己的姿勢,這個感覺有點像在表演。她也曾想過找個助手,卻一直沒有付諸行動,原因是作者與影像材料直接的接觸一直是她創作的核心。

I work every time on my own, I do enjoy it. The physical contact of the material is very important. It takes a lot of concentration to find the moment, right angle, subject and lights. It is a very intimate process with me, city and surfaces.


Rays of Light, Reflections from the city of Zürich on a silver card board. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta Going North 2019 180x120cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
Rays of Light, Reflections from the city of Zürich on a silver card board. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta Going North 2019 180x120cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich


出身雕塑的她對善於挖掘材料的特殊性,比如在《我在影印機上的世界之旅》(MY TRAVELS THROUGH THE WORLD ON MY COPY MACHINE)的創作中將生活物件進行排列、變形,並把這些人造的三維的空間透過影印機紀錄下來。她將影印機的複印鏡面視為相機鏡頭,用機器上「COPY」鍵紀錄了陳列於上的一切。有時候為了找到一個對的狀態,得花上好幾天,對她來說,陳列物件、觀察與思考的過程非常有趣,所謂的「旅行」更像是對現實與影像的探索。


工作室內的影印機 ©Dominique Teufen
工作室內的影印機 ©Dominique Teufen
MY TRAVELS THROUGH THE WORLD ON MY COPY MACHINE, Various copied materials such as paper, aluminium foil, cotton wool etc. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Above 2018 80x120cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
MY TRAVELS THROUGH THE WORLD ON MY COPY MACHINE, Various copied materials such as paper, aluminium foil, cotton wool etc. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Above 2018 80x120cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
MY TRAVELS THROUGH THE WORLD ON MY COPY MACHINE, Various copied materials such as paper, aluminium foil, cotton wool etc. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Gravelpits 2016, 120x180cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
MY TRAVELS THROUGH THE WORLD ON MY COPY MACHINE, Various copied materials such as paper, aluminium foil, cotton wool etc. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Gravelpits 2016, 120x180cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich




There is something more you can think differently. It can be more which we see everyday and do the thing but there.


imaginarium, 2012, Mirror cubes, on stone floor, white wall and flashlight. Print: 40x60cm, c-print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
imaginarium, 2012, Mirror cubes, on stone floor, white wall and flashlight. Print: 40x60cm, c-print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
imaginarium, 2012, Mirror cubes, on stone floor, white wall and flashlight. Print: 40x60cm, c-print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
imaginarium, 2012, Mirror cubes, on stone floor, white wall and flashlight. Print: 40x60cm, c-print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich


她說自己幾年前做了一件「黑白派對」的裝置作品- Afgelopen,把現場所有的物件都以黑白呈現,讓人感覺置身在一張黑白畫中,看似熱鬧,實則有些矛盾,因為一切的顏色都不見了。從那時起,她開始思考影像與認知的關係:「當我們看到風景時,我們的直覺是這是個美麗的風景,但進入影像的情境時又會發現這與我們對風景的認知是不同的,作品其實挑戰了我們的思維方式。這反映了資訊爆炸時代的潛在危機:當我們看到影像時,會不自覺地調動自己腦海中的影像記憶,比如北極熊,提到這個名詞時,我們腦中自然浮現北極熊的型態、樣貌,實際上,我們可能沒有親眼目睹」。


AFGELOPEN, Exhibition View
 Phantom Limb_Art Beyond Escher at Friese Museum Leeuwarden 2018/2019 ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich / Photo taken by Ruben van Vliet
AFGELOPEN, Exhibition View
 Phantom Limb_Art Beyond Escher at Friese Museum Leeuwarden 2018/2019 ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich / Photo taken by Ruben van Vliet
AFGELOPEN, Exhibition View
 Phantom Limb_Art Beyond Escher at Friese Museum Leeuwarden 2018/2019  ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich / Photo taken by Ruben van Vliet
AFGELOPEN, Exhibition View
 Phantom Limb_Art Beyond Escher at Friese Museum Leeuwarden 2018/2019 ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich / Photo taken by Ruben van Vliet
AFGELOPEN, Exhibition View
 Phantom Limb_Art Beyond Escher at Friese Museum Leeuwarden 2018/2019 ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich / Photo taken by Ruben van Vliet
AFGELOPEN, Exhibition View
 Phantom Limb_Art Beyond Escher at Friese Museum Leeuwarden 2018/2019 ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich / Photo taken by Ruben van Vliet
AFGELOPEN 製作過程, AFGELOPEN, Exhibition View
 Phantom Limb_Art Beyond Escher at Friese Museum Leeuwarden 2018/2019 ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich / Photo taken by Ruben van Vliet
AFGELOPEN 製作過程, AFGELOPEN, Exhibition View
 Phantom Limb_Art Beyond Escher at Friese Museum Leeuwarden 2018/2019 ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich / Photo taken by Ruben van Vliet
創作用的相機 ©Dominique Teufen
創作用的相機 ©Dominique Teufen


提到自己的定位,她說自己的思考更接近「現代主義」,挖掘材料、形式與概念的關係一直是她創作的重點,例如FLASHLIHT SCULPTURES這個系列,她將物件陳列在透明裝置的角落,然後按下閃光燈,讓相機閃光射入到裝置裡,拍攝光線四散的瞬間,此時,相機製造了這個現場,也紀錄了這個當下。這是人眼感受不到的視覺體驗,也是攝影最有魅力的地方:賦予人眼未能親見的世界。

Photography makes life brighter. It challenges my thinking, that is why I like photography.


FLASHLIGHT SCULPTURES, 2013, Mirror cubes, plates and pyramids, pillar various materials, print: 60/90 cm, Lambda print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
FLASHLIGHT SCULPTURES, 2013, Mirror cubes, plates and pyramids, pillar various materials, print: 60/90 cm, Lambda print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
FLASHLIGHT SCULPTURES, 2013, Mirror cubes, plates and pyramids, pillar various materials, print: 60/90 cm, Lambda print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
FLASHLIGHT SCULPTURES, 2013, Mirror cubes, plates and pyramids, pillar various materials, print: 60/90 cm, Lambda print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
FLASHLIGHT SCULPTURES, 2013, Mirror cubes, plates and pyramids, pillar various materials, print: 60/90 cm, Lambda print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
FLASHLIGHT SCULPTURES, 2013, Mirror cubes, plates and pyramids, pillar various materials, print: 60/90 cm, Lambda print ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich



除了創作,Dominique Teufen 私底下也是一位風箏衝浪(kitesurfing)愛好者,她將衝浪視為對身體的解放。我想,每一位藝術家,內心總有對自由的全然渴望,藝術,只是她(他)實現這份理想的方法,她的作品,如一條溫柔的暖流,漂流各地,與人發生碰撞,融化被刻板印象凝固的價值觀,生命的價值在於創造一個無拘無束空間,能讓人不斷探索、馳騁想像的思想世界。


Rays of Light, Reflections from the city of Zürich on a silver card board. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Snowdrift 2021 60x90cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
Rays of Light, Reflections from the city of Zürich on a silver card board. Print: Hahnemühle Baryta, Snowdrift 2021 60x90cm ©Dominique Teufen / courtesy of Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich
風箏衝浪  ©Dominique Teufen
風箏衝浪 ©Dominique Teufen




徐思穎Hsu Szu Ying 熱愛攝影、旅行與寫作 徐思穎個人網站: https://nowshowup8825.wixsite.com/hsuszuying
徐思穎Hsu Szu Ying
徐思穎個人網站: https://nowshowup8825.wixsite.com/hsuszuying